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BOPP film

BOPP film
BOPP film - photo 1
Renewed: 26 August 2022, 14:17 ID: 2500
Eziz Erkin, ХО Ashgabat, TM
Flagma member since 6 February 2021
Велсахедова Огулджан Какамырадовна
менеджер по прадажем


Price (FCA): 2000 $ / ton.
Types: Transparent.
Material: PP.
Thickness: 25 microns.
Width: 1.10 cm.

The product is certified. The offered products are fully consistent with high international quality.

The owner of the ad has the most up-to-date information.
Still looking for:
Eziz Erkin, ХО Ashgabat, TM
Works by Flagma since 6 February 2021
Велсахедова Огулджан Какамырадовна
менеджер по прадажем
See more ads in the category Self-adhesive films
Велсахедова Огулджан Какамырадовна
Менеджер по прадажем
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Safety rules: Do not agree to prepayment if you are not sure about the reliability of the user.
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Eziz Erkin, ХО Велсахедова Огулджан Какамырадовна, Менеджер по прадажем
BOPP film
$2,000/ton ID: 2500
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