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Renewed: 18 April 2022, 10:18 ID: 2724
1/price on request
Flagma member since 25 January 2017
Ооо Агросемторг
специалист по продажам


Our company is ready to offer supplies of fescue for fodder and technical purposes. Seeds can be with germination and without germination. The frequency is minimum 97%, we can refine the seeds to 99.5% purity. at the request of customers. We will be glad to cooperate.
Katerina Pyrko
(viber, whatsapp)

The owner of the ad has the most up-to-date information.
Works by Flagma since 25 January 2017
Ооо Агросемторг
специалист по продажам
Popular manufacturers in the category: Forage grass seeds
Ооо Агросемторг
Специалист по продажам
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АгроСемТорг, ООО Ооо Агросемторг, Специалист по продажам
1/price on request ID: 2724
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