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Ryegrass (annual, multi-year)

Ryegrass (annual, multi-year)
Ryegrass (annual, multi-year) - photo 1
Renewed: 18 April 2022, 10:18 ID: 2723
din. 1/price on request
Flagma member since 25 January 2017
Ооо Агросемторг
специалист по продажам


Our company is ready to offer supplies of ryegrass (annual, multi-year) for fodder and technical purposes. Seeds can be with germination and without germination. The frequency is minimum 97%, we can refine the seeds to 99.5% purity. at the request of customers. We will be glad to cooperate.
Katerina Pyrko
(viber, whatsapp)

The owner of the ad has the most up-to-date information.
Works by Flagma since 25 January 2017
Ооо Агросемторг
специалист по продажам
Popular manufacturers in the category: Forage grass seeds
Ооо Агросемторг
Специалист по продажам
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АгроСемТорг, ООО Ооо Агросемторг, Специалист по продажам
Ryegrass (annual, multi-year)
din. 1/price on request ID: 2723
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