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Sailor color 5,450L and 4L washing powder

Sailor color 5,450L and 4L washing powder
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Sailor color 5,450L and 4L washing powder - photo 1 Sailor color 5,450L and 4L washing powder - photo 2 Sailor color 5,450L and 4L washing powder - photo 3
Renewed: 17 February 2025, 00:14 ID: 538
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Flagma member since 8 January 2017
Dutkowski Alex


Washing liquid 2in1Sailor Color-a great choice for washing colored things. Liquid powder allows you to process things from any kind of fabric, without leaving stains and defects. The product does not contain phosphates, and has only natural elements to create excellent conditions for high-quality washing.
Using Sailor Color at low temperatures, efficiency is not reduced. The gel allows you to preserve the natural color of the clothes, and its innovative formula makes Ironing easier. With this tool you can take care of every thing in your wardrobe.

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Works by Flagma since 8 January 2017
Dutkowski Alex
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Dutkowski Alex
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Global Chemia Group, Sp. z o.o. Dutkowski Alex, owner
Sailor color 5,450L and 4L washing powder
Price on request ID: 538
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