We offer Fuel Briquettes and Fuel Pellets from lignin
Non-sanctioned goods
Packing in big-bag or packed in bags
Fuel briquettes and pellets are made by pressing hydrolyzed lignin, which is the second main part of wood after cellulose (from 19 to 28%, depending on the species), It is an amorphous substance of dark brown color.
Qualitative characteristics of fuel lignin briquette:
- mass fraction of total moisture (Wr) in fuel working condition - not more than 17,5 %;
- ash content (Ad) - 7,3 %;
- mass fraction of fines packing in BIG-BAGS (pieces with size less than 25 mm) - not more than 5,0 %; - sulfur content (Sr) - not more than 0,4 %;
- content of caesium-137 radionuclide - less than 18.5 Bq/kg,
- mechanical strength when tested on a drum (residue of whole and partially destroyed briquettes with the size of pieces not more than 25 mm) - not less than 93%,
- lower working heat of combustion Qri - not less than 17400 kJ/kg.