Far Eastern cedar cone benefits
Dry drink BioKedr made of cedar cone husk purified from resin was created to
support the active functions of the body. The cedar cone contains a full set of essential vitamins in their natural combination, which allows them to strengthen each others action and improve their absorption in the body. And not a single micro and macroelement, if it enters the body separately, will not give such a positive result as in the composition of the cedar cone balanced by nature.
The product is created so that you can use it for drink as simple as possible – the powder from the sachet-pack should be added to clean boiled water heated and cooled to a temperature of 45°C - 50°C, this is important because normal heating or even boiling destroys all useful substances, so do not add powder in the water before making sure that temperature is not above 50°C.
BioKedr paper bag is designed for 40 days of use — set of 4 sachet-packs, each sachet-pack contains 7 grams of Far Eastern cedar cone crushed into powder. ⠀
Each sachet-pack is designed for 1 liter of water infusion, drink 50-60 ml twice a day.
The rich vitamin composition of the natural crushed pine cone of the Far Eastern cedar will help you improve your wellbeing.