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Семена кормовых трав в Белграде

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Семе трава (grass seeds)
Цена по запросу
Latin name:Trifolium pratense, Trifolium hybridum, Dactylis glomerata, Lolium multiflorum, Lolium perenne, Sinapis alba, Raphanus sativus, Festuca Rumbra, Echinochloa Frumentacea, Phleum Prateanse, Phacelia, Festulolium, Galega Orientalis, Lotus Comiculatus, Melilotus Officinalis, Brassica
+13 объявлений
18 апр 2022
Ежа сборная" (лат. Dactyils Glomerata)
Цена по запросу
Продаем оптом от 18т. Большие объемы. Быстрая поставка. Продамо на велико од 18т. Велике количине. Брза испорука. We sell wholesale from 18t. Large volumes. Fast delivery.
+13 объявлений
18 апр 2022
Red clover
1 €/price on request
Our company is ready to offer supplies of red clover for fodder and technical purposes. Seeds can be with germination and without germination. The frequency is minimum 97%, we can refine the seeds to 99.5% purity. at the request of customers. We will be glad to cooperate. Katerina Pyrko (viber,
+13 объявлений
18 апр 2022
1 €/price on request
Our company is ready to offer supplies of fescue for fodder and technical purposes. Seeds can be with germination and without germination. The frequency is minimum 97%, we can refine the seeds to 99.5% purity. at the request of customers. We will be glad to cooperate. Katerina Pyrko (viber,
+13 объявлений
18 апр 2022
Ryegrass (annual, multi-year)
1 дин/price on request
Our company is ready to offer supplies of ryegrass (annual, multi-year) for fodder and technical purposes. Seeds can be with germination and without germination. The frequency is minimum 97%, we can refine the seeds to 99.5% purity. at the request of customers. We will be glad to
+13 объявлений
18 апр 2022
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