ФИО скрыто, 21 год, Белград | Неполное высшее образование
любая занятость
Опыт работы: 1.5 года, Translator, Bank, Belgrade. 8 мес, Russian language teacher, Faculty of chemistry, Belgrade. 4 года, Russian laguage teacher, Freelance , Belgrade.
Agliamzianov A., 26 лет, Нови-Сад | Высшее образование
любая занятость
Опыт работы: 2 года, Junior System Analyst, BARS Group, Kazan. 1.5 года, System Analyst, RT Labs, Moscow. 1 год, System Analyst, DALEE Digital Agency, Moscow. 10 мес, System Analyst, RedLab, Moscow. Образование: Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev, Information systems and technologies, Kazan 2016 - 2021,...
Опыт работы: 2.5 года, Correspondent, editor, Olympic Channel Autonomous Non-Profit Organization, Russian Olympic Committee All-Russian Union of Public Associations, Moscow. 1 год, Director of the structural unit of the Directorate of Marketing and Public Relations, The Russian International Olympic University Autonomous Non-Profit Organization...